Updating views fields changes field alias names

When views is using fields as output,
you can hidden the field, and echo them in other field templates
you will get an alias, but that alias is willing to change.
So you cannot hardcode that in tpl files.

In order to retrieve the alias and its value:

//within field tpl files
$value = $view->field['field_host_value']->render($row);


當使用Views 輸出fields 的時候, 你可以隐藏 (hidden) 一個 field
但這個 field 的別名 (alias) 是會改變的
所以你不可以將這個別名寫到 code 內

要在 code 取得這個別名,

//within field tpl files
$value = $view->field['field_host_value']->render($row);
