Revision of 自定義 Rules action 例子 from Mon, 2013-01-07 20:19

Rules 內的 action 原來和 trigger 使用的,Drupal 原生的 action 是不相同的
大家可以參考 rules/modules/* 便會看到很多 core - optional 的 module 的 rules

我寫一個 rules action 的 example module:

* hook_rules_action_info
* @return
*   An array of information about the module's provided rules actions.
*   The array contains a sub-array for each action, with the action name as
*   the key. Actions names may only contain lowercase alpha-numeric characters
*   and underscores and should be prefixed with the providing module name.
*   Possible attributes for each sub-array are:
*   - label: The label of the action. Start capitalized. Required.
*   - group: A group for this element, used for grouping the actions in the
*     interface. Should start with a capital letter and be translated.
*     Required.
*   - parameter: (optional) An array describing all parameter of the action
*     with the parameter's name as key. Each parameter has to be
*     described by a sub-array with possible attributes as described
*     afterwards, whereas the name of a parameter needs to be a lowercase,
*     valid PHP variable name.
*   - provides: (optional) An array describing the variables the action
*     provides to the evaluation state with the variable name as key. Each
*     variable has to be described by a sub-array with possible attributes as
*     described afterwards, whereas the name of a parameter needs to be a
*     lowercase, valid PHP variable name.
*   - 'named parameter': (optional) If set to TRUE, the arguments will be
*     passed as a single array with the parameter names as keys. This emulates
*     named parameters in PHP and is in particular useful if the number of
*     parameters can vary. Defaults to FALSE.
*   - base: (optional) The base for action implementation callbacks to use
*     instead of the action's name. Defaults to the action name.
*   - callbacks: (optional) An array which allows to set specific function
*     callbacks for the action. The default for each callback is the actions
*     base appended by '_' and the callback name.
*   - 'access callback': (optional) A callback which has to return whether the
*     currently logged in user is allowed to configure this action. See
*     rules_node_integration_access() for an example callback.
*  Each 'parameter' array may contain the following properties:
*   - label: The label of the parameter. Start capitalized. Required.
*   - type: The rules data type of the parameter, which is to be passed to the
*     action. All types declared in hook_rules_data_info() may be specified, as
*     well as an array of possible types. Also lists and lists of a given type
*     can be specified by using the notating list<integer> as introduced by
*     the entity metadata module, see hook_entity_property_info(). The special
*     keyword '*' can be used when all types should be allowed. Required.
*   - bundles: (optional) An array of bundle names. When the specified type is
*     set to a single entity type, this may be used to restrict the allowed
*     bundles.
*   - description: (optional) If necessary, a further description of the
*     parameter.
*   - options list: (optional) A callback that returns an array of possible
*     values for this parameter. The callback has to return an array as used
*     by hook_options_list(). For an example implementation see
*     rules_data_action_type_options().
*   - save: (optional) If this is set to TRUE, the parameter will be saved by
*     rules when the rules evaluation ends. This is only supported for savable
*     data types. If the action returns FALSE, saving is skipped.
*   - optional: (optional) May be set to TRUE, when the parameter isn't
*     required.
*   - 'default value': (optional) The value to pass to the action, in case the
*     parameter is optional and there is no specified value.
*   - 'allow null': (optional) Usually Rules will not pass any NULL values as
*     argument, but abort the evaluation if a NULL value is present. If set to
*     TRUE, Rules will not abort and pass the NULL value through. Defaults to
*     FALSE.
*   - restriction: (optional) Restrict how the argument for this parameter may
*     be provided. Supported values are 'selector' and 'input'.
*   - default mode: (optional) Customize the default mode for providing the
*     argument value for a parameter. Supported values are 'selector' and
*     'input'. The default depends on the required data type.
*   - sanitize: (optional) Allows parameters of type 'text' to demand an
*     already sanitized argument. If enabled, any user specified value won't be
*     sanitized itself, but replacements applied by input evaluators are as
*     well as values retrieved from selected data sources.
*   - translatable: (optional) If set to TRUE, the provided argument value
*     of the parameter is translatable via i18n String translation. This is
*     applicable for textual parameters only, i.e. parameters of type 'text',
*     'token', 'list<text>' and 'list<token>'. Defaults to FALSE.
*   - ui class: (optional) Allows overriding the UI class, which is used to
*     generate the configuration UI of a parameter. Defaults to the UI class of
*     the specified data type.
*   - cleaning callback: (optional) A callback that input evaluators may use
*     to clean inserted replacements; e.g. this is used by the token evaluator.
*   - wrapped: (optional) Set this to TRUE in case the data should be passed
*     wrapped. This only applies to wrapped data types, e.g. entities.
*  Each 'provides' array may contain the following properties:
*   - label: The label of the variable. Start capitalized. Required.
*   - type: The rules data type of the variable. All types declared in
*     hook_rules_data_info() may be specified. Types may be parametrized e.g.
*     the types node<page> or list<integer> are valid.
*   - save: (optional) If this is set to TRUE, the provided variable is saved
*     by rules when the rules evaluation ends. Only possible for savable data
*     types. Defaults to FALSE.
function rules_example_rules_action_info(){
  return array(
    'rules_example_extra_node_title' => array(
      'group' => t('Example'),
      'label' => t('Add prefix to node title'),
      'parameter' => array(
        //pass in parameters
        'node' => array(
          'type' => 'node',
          'label' => t('Node'),
          'description' => t('The node to add the prefix.'),
          'save' => TRUE,

* Rules action implementation
* Key defined in hook_rules_action_info
* @param  Object $node node being editted
function rules_example_extra_node_title($node) {
  $node->title .= '[Rules action example prefix] ';

要全部明白 hook_rules_action_info() 的確要花點時間
或者從 rules modules 內參考一個類似的比較容易吧
