2010-03-15 Boost enabled

Boost 是一個將匿名(非登入用戶, anonymous visitor)從動態生成的PHP 頁面轉到靜態HTML 頁面的模組


它的工作原理是利用了匿名用戶所看到的頁面不含有個人化的 block/內容

它的工作的流程從Drupal 初始化開始
直到這裡, Boost 都沒有提升頁面效能
但一旦判定為匿名用戶, 用戶便會被.htaccess 轉發到預先製好的靜態HTML

一個很好用的模組, 特別是對於匿名用遊客訪問為主的網站

Boost is a module that drive anonymous visitor from dynamic PHP pages to boost generated static HTML through apache .htaccess settings

This module can help anonymous users page load speed very much,
while logged in user have no effect on it.

It used the nature that annoymous user do not have customized theme/blocks/content
so every visitor should see the same content,
can thus can serve the page through static HTML

The mechanism start from Drupal initialize,
first check if the user is logged in or not.
Up to this point, this module do not help in performance,
but once anonymous user got redirected to cached files by redirect and .htaccess file,
the page load time boosted

A very good module for sites with mainly anonymous users like joetsuihk.com
