加js, css file 到theme, Add a theme specific js/css to a page

如題, 你可以在 theme 的 .info file 用以下的方法

scripts[] = js/gallery.js

stylesheets[all][] = css/gallery.css

你可以加第三方的 js/css, 例如 jquery ui, fancybox 之類
如果你看到你的page.tpl.php 有<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>你可能會考慮用以上的方法include 了

Note1: 路徑是相對到theme 的資料夾
Node2: 它們會被優化的, 如果你開啟了壓縮 js/css 檔案的話

As titled, if you want to add a js or css file only to a theme, you may:

scripts[] = js/gallery.js

stylesheets[all][] = css/gallery.css

This should contain mostly contain some 3rd party js/css libraries/frameworks.
if you find you put some <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> in page.tpl.php, you better think again to put it like above.

Note1: the path they refered is CURRENT_THEME directory
Node2: They will got aggregated if you turn on compressing js/css files in "Performance" page
