V0.6 中終於提供多block 的環境
用戶可以新增不限數量的 tabbed block
留意, 此為alpha 版, 只應使用於測試後(雖然已經花多了時間除蟲)
每一 tabbed_block 對應AJAX 刷新, IE, FF 設定可能等等
請先移除v0.5 tabbed block, 覆蓋v0.6, 安裝
v0.6 finally present with multi tabbed-block!
administer can add blocks without limit.
because of this, setting UI changes a little.
warning that this is a alpha release, only apply on test sites please.
every tabbed block with AJAX refresh, on IE, FF etc etc.....
Please uninstall v0.5 first, overwrite with v0.6, install.