Originally want to patch v0.4, but to solve the problems of image button in IE, huge code restructure is performed. so v0.5 is the version number.
Also, this version fixed the bug that self-defined block cannot show their correct title.
There is no change in database, so to install, just place all the files into %drupal%/module/tabbed_block
原本打算只補丁v0.4, 但因為在IE 上的image 按鈕出現問題, 整個處理表單的流程完全改變, 所以命名為v0.5
這版本同時修正: 自定義的block 標題錯誤
這版本升級只需要將zip 內的檔案放到%drupal%/module/tabbed_block 就可以了, 並沒有資料庫上的變更